Perhaps I should mention that I am using my computer purchased in my sophomore year of college. I have been trying to clean it up in order for things to run faster. As I was cleaning I came across these pictures and thought, "Sister, your life is VERY different now!"

I miss Grandpa too...

Not the best picture of either of us, but it shows my budding love for the city of Boston. First Red Sox game.
First Boston Pops Experience!
Sorry girls, couldn't resist! :)
India. My camera died shortly after arriving, so I had to rely on my teammates' pictures.
Clinicals Junior Year

Action shot. Wouldn't want to mess with Jimmie on the field. I hear he plays all sports full contact, even to this day.
I don't think Aaron was as pleased as we were with the redecoration of his room.

Mindy and I thought we would test out the urinals...

College Days 2003? The things we did to get kids to come to college!

Garey Hall RA's