E is in first grade. She is reading, analyzing, and creating. Her newest interest is inventing. Like her daddy, the wheels are always spinning in that beautiful head of hers. She loves to tell jokes and wants to be anywhere that I am. She is in between being a baby and a big kid. Her sister knows how to push her buttons and she is figuring out her place in the world.
A has always been my fun, headstrong girl. She knows what she wants and will get it for herself. She climbs onto the cabinets to get herself snacks. She plays on her own, which is both a blessing and terrifying. She is very curious and can get herself in a whole heap of trouble in a matter of minutes.
J is so incredibly happy when he is happy, and so incredibly miserable when he is upset. He has had trouble gaining weight and consequently eats every couple of hours. At four months. Even at night. He refuses a bottle or pacifier and will cry the entire time I am at work sometimes. We recently changed physicians and are hoping to find some improvement.
To say I am tired would be a gross understatement. Yesterday I loaded the littles up in the car and went to pick E up from school. A had to go to the bathroom, so I unloaded them, went inside to the bathroom, then came back out. I waited for E’s class. They all came out, but she did not. She tends to be the last one out, so I didn't think too much of it. The aide went back to look for her. After a few minutes the teacher that walks her out said "does she have after school art today?" Yes. Yes she did. Feeling very sheepish I loaded everyone back up and went home until it was really time to pick her up. My brain is mush right now. I am trying so hard to enjoy this time, but it is sometimes so hard when all I can think about is surviving the day. I know this time is so quick, but it sometimes seems so long.
The things that keep me going right now are the sweet things my children say and do, and the incredible kindness that my friends and family have shown me. The little voice saying "Mama, I just LUB YOU so much, you are da best mama!", or the slightly bigger one saying "when I grow up I want to be a nurse just like you. Did you know you HEAL people?! That is so cool!" The tiny hand that has just started reaching up to touch my face while he is nursing. These are the things that make the sleepless nights and the groggy days all worth it. Now if someone could just remind me of this when they are all three crying at the same time...