As evidenced by my last post we have sort of been in survival mode. I have neglected posting the last THREE months of Aubrey pictures. In less than a week I will be taking her 6 month picture! Time has really started to fly around here.
March 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Day
Three months and one day. I don't know if you have noticed before, but I'm pretty particular about certain things. I have picked out a onsie each month that matches the colors of the decal. I try to match her headband to the decal as well. Yes, I have problems. The first step is awareness. Anyway, I put on her little matching onsie and tried to get a good picture. She was just NOT cooperating. I took her onsie off and thought, we are just going to have to try this later. As soon as I did, Ella started entertaining her and she started laughing and cooing. At that point I grabbed the sticker and stuck it on her bare chest. I think this actually may be one of my favorite pictures to date and it happened way differently than I had planned.
April 16, 2011
Four Months
After the last month I wised up and utilized Big Sis as Chief Entertainer. I would say it worked like a charm. See if you can spot the Entertainer in one of the photos below. Aubrey is getting much more fun and we are having better and better days.

May 16, 2011
Five Months
This girl has become sooo much fun. She babbles, coos, giggles, laughs and just generally has fun most of the time. She is getting close to being able to sit up on her own. She LOVES her bouncy activity chair. She gets up on her knees and starts to rock like she wants to crawl. She is eating lots of things. She hasn't met a food she didn't like (except rice cereal by itself). More about that in a coming post :)
What a dolly. :)
ReplyDeleteThat flowered pink headband is my fav!