Friday, February 26, 2010

A Spirited Child

My name is Rachel, and I am a Spirited Child. Yes, this is hard to admit, but true.
I am now paying for all of my sins as a child. Ella is also a Spirited Child. I hear very frequently, she looks just like her Daddy, but she sure acts like you! Yes, she does.

I am not sure whether it is because Ella is 2 1/2 or because of all of the changes happening around us, but she has been VERY naughty lately! She doesn't sleep, she has been very aggressive and she has to be clinging to me at every moment. This is unusual because she is very independant.

I started reading a book called Raising a Spirited Child. It is very insightful! She does have quite a few characteristics listed in the book. As I was reading I thought, "You have a lot of these characteristics as well." That could be why it is so frustrating to me to discipline her, we are too similar.

She is a good kid, don't get me wrong, she has just been acting out lately. It was helpful for me to learn that the characteristics that are so frustrating to me now, like her persistance and attention to detail are going to serve her very well later. It was also helpful for me to learn how to rephrase things and help her understand what she is feeling.

I am trying to engage her more and work with her personality instead of against it. If anyone has any good suggestions I am up for anything!

After implementing some of the suggestions in the book, we have had several very good days. Today we dressed up and sang and danced around. I wore my dress from my Senior Prom in high school. She loved that I was dressing up with her instead of just watching.

I know we have a long way to go, but I am glad to be getting somewhere before things REALLY change.


  1. You are such a good mom, Rachel! Ella is a lucky girl!

  2. Thanks Jolene. I don't feel like it some days, but I guess that's part of the deal right? You are one fabulous Momma yourself!

  3. I have heard good things about the book you mentioned. You might also check out Playful Parenting, which I've heard a lot about as well. I am planning on getting it to read this summer. Hopefully I have a while more before I'm needing it, but I want to be ready!
