Friday, February 26, 2010


I can't sleep. That's not unusual for me. I am a nocturnal creature, I work nights and I have a two year old. Bad combination! Lately I have been having trouble sleeping because I have been worrying so much about where we are going to go, whether we will have jobs and a home, whether we will make new friends, whether we can handle this whole thing called life without knowing a soul in the new place, you know the little things. :)

This worry has consumed me and has been driving my life lately. On Sunday I realized that I was being ridiculous and that there was no reason to be worrying. I don't usually give up things for Lent, but I just felt like this time God was telling me to give up worrying. Sounds simple, right? Made sense to me, I mean the whole point of Lent is to turn to Him when we don't have the strength to handle things on our own and to remember the sacrifice that He made for us. I thought well Sister, what can it hurt? Worrying about things right now sure isn't changing anything. I decided this on my way to work and suddenly just felt a peace about the whole situation.

And then a funny thing happened. Monday Jimmie started to recieve calls and emails from different people around the country. We went from not knowing anything for months, to having several possibilites in one day! At that moment I knew that I was definitely not in control! I felt like God was saying to me, "Hey You, the one who likes to be in control, yes you! I've got this thing covered. You don't have to worry about it anymore! Calm down and rest a bit. I will take care of you. I have thought of things that you don't even know to ask for." How humbling...

So tonight here I sit. Awake, but for a different reason. I am now excited and thinking about all of the possibilities. We still don't know exactly what we will be doing, but that's ok. We may do something that neither of us planned on from the beginning. That's the funny thing about God. He knows what we need even before we ask for them. He takes care of all those things and more. So tonight, I choose not to worry!


  1. I seem to remember a similar worry when you moved to Lawrence. Remember? And you have been well loved there. You have each other and you have one of the strongest families out there back home, so worrying is entirely pointless. Good thoughts.

  2. Thanks Sister, I just need to be reminded of those things every once in a while. :)
