Thursday, January 21, 2010

And now we wait...

We finally got all of Jimmie's Post Doc applications in the mail yesterday! We sent them to the East Coast and the West Coast. Nothing like not knowing which side of the country we are going to live on.
We are both a little nervous and very excited. We have A LOT to do before we wrap things up here. We are working on getting rid of about half of our belongings and at the same time fixing our house up to sell it in EEEK MARCH!
These last five years have been a roller coaster ride. We have had good times and bad and have learned a lot about what it means to be married and be parents. Jimmie has obviously learned a lot about Chemistry and has decided that he would like to teach and do research after his Post Doc. I have had several jobs while here. I now know what kind of nurse I want to be and how to be more assertive in that role. :) Ella has grown from a baby that just eats and sleeps to a very fun, energetic and talkative little person. While it is tiring sometimes, we enjoy every day that we have with her! We have grown so much closer as a family. We love this place and would stay here to raise our children if we could.
But alas, we must move on! So now we wait to see where that will be!


  1. Good luck Rachel! It will be a very exciting time for all of you and I will miss your smile and wonderful Ella stories!

  2. Thanks Zoe! I will miss you too!

  3. Oh, that's exciting (and scary)! I remember that"oncoming train" feeling that starts to creep in as the end of grad school finally comes into sight.
