Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Better Person

Yesterday was the first anniversary of my Grandfather's death. It was kind of a rough day. We were supposed to get together and celebrate his life and my cousin's birthday, but the weather prevented us from doing that. Ella, Mom and I had a wonderful time together, but I still felt as if I was missing something. I wanted to be with my sisters and the rest of my family.
My Grandpa was such a special person. He was kind, and gentle. He loved his family very much. He had the most beautiful voice that he used to lift up those around him and to sing praises to the One who created him! He was honest and trustworthy. If he said something you knew that he meant it and if he promised something he would always follow through.
He taught us to love serving people at a very young age. He and my Grandma went on Commision Unto Mexico each year after Christmas. He was the physician and a very good one at that! He loved people and wanted to meet them where they were at. When I was in the seventh grade they took me with them and in turn each cousin after that. I will never forget the people that I met and the ways that we were able to help others. I think that this is a big reason that all of us older cousins spent several months serving overseas during college and why relationship and service is still important to us.
He loved to make waffles for us on Sunday mornings. He loved his farm. He loved his animals.He loved his music. He loved vanilla wafers. He loved Jesus and he loved his family. He would always read us the Christmas story before we opened presents. I remember the last time that he was able to read it for us and I remember crying later knowing that it would be the last time that he would be able to do that.
He was a brilliant man! He was the first person at the University of Oklahoma to recieve his PhD and MD at the same time. He was very wise and many people over the years went to him seeking advice.
The week that he passed away was a very difficult, long week. We spent quite a lot of it sleeping on the floor of his nursing home room, reading, and just simply being together. That was the important part. We were together. On the morning that he died we sang songs that he loved and prayed and asked God to welcome him and to take care of him for us. His viewing and funeral were a testament to his life. There were so many people that loved him and supported us.
My Grandmother is a rock. I know that this has been a very hard year for her and I wish that I could have been with her in person today. My Grandpa was in part who he was because of her. She supported him in everything that he did and loved him more than I have seen a person love another. The entire time that he was in the nursing home she was by his side, even when he didn't know where he was or what was going on around him. She has set for each of us an example of how marriage works and the sacrifices that we sometimes have to make.
My Dad is very much like my Grandpa in so many ways. They are so consistent and so solid. I hope someday to be half of the person that my Dad and Grandpa are/were. I have been working so hard lately to improve my attitude and to simply be content with my life, even in the tough times. I want to be consistent and loving, and bite my tongue before saying things about others or hurting those around me. I want to have a renewed passion for service and for community. I want those around me to know that I am different, in a good way! I want to support my husband, even in the rough times. I want my husband and daughter to know that I love them more than anything or anyone else. So here's the deal. I am going to do the best that I can. My Grandpa wasn't perfect, but he did work hard and loved those around him. I can't do everything, but I sure can try to be a better person every day.


  1. A wonderful post Rachel. So great to have all those memories and the opportunity to really know your grandfather. Grandpa's are very special people.

  2. It sounds like your grandpa was a very special man. What wonderful memories you have.

  3. I shouldn't have read this at work.....
    I miss him too!

  4. You guys are so right. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family!
    Laura, I wrote this because I was missing him so much as well.
